Supported APIs

Supported APIs for Zenko are detailed here.

Scality extended APIs, including the Utilization API (UTAPI), a REST API for reporting on utilization metrics (capacity, objects, bandwidth, and operations per unit time) are also provided here.

S3 API Endpoints

Operation Name Operation Type Available?
DELETE Bucket Bucket yes
GET Bucket Versioning Bucket yes
GET Bucket Location Bucket yes
GET Bucket (List Objects) Bucket yes
GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 2 Bucket yes
GET Bucket Object Versions Bucket yes
HEAD Bucket Bucket yes
PUT Bucket Bucket yes
PUT Bucket Versioning Bucket yes
GET Bucket ACL Bucket yes
PUT Bucket ACL Bucket yes
List Multipart Uploads Bucket yes
PUT Bucket Website Bucket yes
GET Bucket Website Bucket yes
DELETE Bucket Website Bucket yes
PUT Bucket CORS Bucket yes
GET Bucket CORS Bucket yes
DELETE Bucket CORS Bucket yes
DELETE Bucket Lifecycle Bucket no
DELETE Bucket Replication Bucket yes
DELETE Bucket Policy Bucket yes
DELETE Bucket Tagging Bucket no
GET Bucket Lifecycle Bucket no
GET Bucket Replication Bucket yes
GET Bucket Policy Bucket yes
GET Object Lock Configuration Bucket yes
GET Bucket Logging Bucket no
GET Bucket Notification Bucket no
GET Bucket Tagging Bucket no
GET Bucket RequestPayment Bucket no
PUT Bucket Lifecycle Bucket no
PUT Bucket Replication Bucket yes
PUT Bucket Policy Bucket yes
PUT Object Lock Configuration Bucket yes
PUT Bucket Logging Bucket no
PUT Bucket Notification Bucket no
PUT Bucket Tagging Bucket no
PUT Bucket RequestPayment Bucket no
DELETE Object Object yes
DELETE Object Tagging Object yes
Multi-Object Delete Object yes
GET Object Object yes
GET Object Legal Hold Object yes
GET Object Retention Object yes
GET Object Tagging Object yes
GET Object ACL Object yes
HEAD Object Object yes
Copy Object Object yes
GET Object Torrent Object no
OPTIONS Object Object no
POST Object Object no
POST Object Restore Object no
PUT Object Object yes
PUT Object Legal Hold Object yes
PUT Object Retention Object yes
PUT Object Tagging Object yes
PUT Object ACL Object yes
PUT Object - Copy Object yes
Initiate Multipart Upload Multipart Upload yes
Upload Part Multipart Upload yes
Upload Part - Copy Multipart Upload yes
Complete Multipart Upload Multipart Upload yes
Abort Multipart Upload Multipart Upload yes
List Parts Multipart Upload yes
Special Notes
Transfer-stream-encoding for object PUT with v4 AUTH   yes

Utilization API (UTAPI)

Scality’s UTilization API (UTAPI) is a RESTful API is accessed using POST requests via a JSON-based protocol. Input parameters are provided as a JSON body (at the service level) or a JSON array of entities (for example an array of buckets, accounts, or users) on which to query, plus a time range. The RESTful API through which UTAPI is accessed is securely authenticated via HTTPS on a dedicated web server and port.

Utilization Metric Operation Available?
Account Level Post yes
Bucket Level Post yes
User Level Post yes
Service Level Post yes