PUT Object ACL

The PUT Object ACL operation uses the acl subresource to set the access control list (ACL) permissions for an object that exists in a storage system bucket. This operation requires WRITE_ACP permission for the object.


WRITE_ACP access is required to set the ACL of an object.

Object permissions are set using one of the following two methods:

  • Specifying the ACL in the request body
  • Specifying permissions using request headers

Depending on the needs of the application, the ACL may be set on an object using either the request body or the headers.


Access permission cannot be specified using both the request body and the request headers.

The ACL of an object is set at the object version level. By default, PUT sets the ACL of the current version of an object. To set the ACL of a different version, use the versionId subresource.



The request syntax that follows is for sending the ACL in the request body. If headers are used to specify the permissions for the object, the ACL cannot be sent in the request body (refer to Common Request Headers for a list of available headers).

PUT /{{ObjectName}}?acl HTTP/1.1
Host: {{BucketName}}.{{StorageService}}.com
Date: {{date}}
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}
      <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">


The PUT Object ACL operation does not use request parameters.


The PUT Object ACL operation can use a number of optional request headers in addition to those that are common to all operations (refer to Common Request Headers). These request headers are used either to specify a predefined—or canned—ACL, or to explicitly specify grantee permissions.

Specifying a Canned ACL

Zenko supports a set of canned ACLs, each of which has a predefined set of grantees and permissions.

To grant access permissions by specifying canned ACLs, use the x-amz-acl header and specify the canned ACL name as its value.


Other access control specific headers cannot be used when the x-amz-acl header is in use.

Header Type Description
x-amz-acl string

Sets the ACL of the object using the specified canned ACL.

Default: private

Valid Values: private | public-read | public-read-write | authenticated-read | bucket-owner-read | bucket-owner-full- control

Constraints: None

Explicitly Specifying Grantee Access Permissions

A set of x-amz-grant-permission headers is available for explicitly granting individualized object access permissions to specific Zenko accounts or groups.


Each of the x-amz-grant-permission headers maps to specific permissions the Zenko supports in an ACL. Please also note that the use of any of these ACL-specific headers negates the use of the x-amz-acl header to set a canned ACL.

Header Type Description
x-amz-grant-read string

Allows grantee to read the object data and its metadata

Default: None

Constraints: None

x-amz-grant-read-acp string

Allows grantee to read the object ACL

Default: None

Constraints: None

x-amz-grant-write-acp string

Allows grantee to write the ACL for the applicable object

Default: None

Constraints: None

x-amz-grant-full-control string

Allows grantee the READ, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions on the object

Default: None

Constraints: None

For each header, the value is a comma-separated list of one or more grantees. Each grantee is specified as a type=value pair, where the type can be one any one of the following:

  • emailAddress (if value specified is the email address of an account)
  • id (if value specified is the canonical user ID of an account)
  • uri (if granting permission to a predefined group)

For example, the following x-amz-grant-read header grants list objects permission to two accounts identified by their email addresses:

x-amz-grant-read:  emailAddress="xyz@example.com", emailAddress="abc@example.com"

Request Elements

If the request body is used to specify an ACL, the following elements must be used.

Element Type Description
AccessControlList container Container for Grant, Grantee, and Permission
AccessControlPolicy string Contains the elements that set the ACL permissions for an object per grantee
DisplayName string Screen name of the bucket owner
Grant container Container for the grantee and his or her permissions
Grantee string The subject whose permissions are being set
ID string ID of the bucket owner, or the ID of the grantee
Owner container Container for the bucket owner’s display name and ID
Permission string Specifies the permission given to the the grantee


If the request body is requested, the request headers cannot be used to set an ACL.

Grantee Values

Specify the person (grantee) to whom access rights are being assigned (using request elements):

  • By ID

    <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">

    DisplayName is optional and is ignored in the request.

  • By Email Address

    <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ScalityCustomerByEmail"><EmailAddress>{{Grantees@email.com}}</EmailAddress>lt;/Grantee>

    The grantee is resolved to the CanonicalUser and, in a response to a GET Object acl request, appears as the CanonicalUser.

  • By URI

    <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="Group"><URI>{{http://acs.example.com/groups/global/AuthenticatedUsers}}</URI></Grantee>



The PUT Object ACL operation can include the following response header in addition to the response headers common to all responses (refer to Common Response Headers).

Header Type Description
x-amz-version-id string

Returns the version ID of the retrieved object if it has a unique version ID.

Default: None


The PUT Object ACL operation does not return response elements.


Grant Access Permission to an Existing Object

The request sample grants access permission to an existing object, specifying the ACL in the body. In addition to granting full control to the object owner, the XML specifies full control to an account identified by its canonical user ID.

Request Sample

PUT /my-document.pdf?acl HTTP/1.1
Host: {{bucketName}}.example.com
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}
Content-Length: 124

      <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">

Response Sample

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: eftixk72aD6Ap51T9AS1ed4OpIszj7UDNEHGran
x-amz-request-id: 318BC8BC148832E5
x-amz-version-id: 3/L4kqtJlcpXrof3vjVBH40Nr8X8gdRQBpUMLUo
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 12:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Server: ScalityS3
Setting the AC

Setting the ACL of a Specified Object Version

The request sample sets the ACL on the specified version of the object.

Request Sample

PUT /my-document.pdf?acl&amp;versionId=3HL4kqtJlcpXroDTDmJ+rmSpXd3dIbrHY+MTRCxf3vjVBH40Nrjfkd HTTP/1.1
Host: {{bucketName}}.example.com
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}
Content-Length: 124

      <Grantee xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="CanonicalUser">

Response Sample

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: eftixk72aD6Ap51u8yU9AS1ed4OpIszj7UDNEHGran
x-amz-request-id: 318BC8BC148832E5
x-amz-version-id: 3/L4kqtJlcpXro3vjVBH40Nr8X8gdRQBpUMLUo
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 12:00:00 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Server: ScalityS3

Access Permissions Specified Using Headers

The request sample uses ACL-specific request header x-amz-acl, and specifies a canned ACL (public_read) to grant object read access to everyone.

Request Sample

PUT ExampleObject.txt?acl HTTP/1.1
Host: {{bucketName}}.example.com
x-amz-acl: public-read
Accept: */*
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}
Host: example.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

Response Sample

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: w5YegkbG6ZDsje4WK56RWPxNQHIQ0CjrjyRVFZhEJI9E3kbabXnBO9w5G7Dmxsgk
x-amz-request-id: C13B2827BD8455B1
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 23:24:12 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Server: ScalityS3