PUT Bucket Versioning

The PUT Bucket Versioning operation uses the versioning subresource to set the versioning state of an existing bucket. To set the versioning state, you must be the bucket owner.

You can set the versioning state with one of the following values:

  • Enabled — Enables versioning for the objects in the bucket. All objects added to the bucket receive a unique version ID.
  • Suspended — Disables versioning for the objects in the bucket. All objects added to the bucket receive the version ID null.

If the versioning state has never been set on a bucket, it has no versioning state; a GET versioning request does not return a versioning state value.



PUT / HTTP/1.1
Host: {{BucketName}}.{{StorageService}}.com
Content-Length: {{length}}
Date: {{date}}
Authorization: {{authenticationInformation}}

<VersioningConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.example.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

The request syntax illustrates only a portion of the request headers.


The PUT Bucket Versioning operation does not use request parameters.


The PUT Bucket Versioning operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations (refer to Common Request Headers).


The PUT Bucket operation can request the following items:

Element Type Description
Status enum

Sets the versioning state of the bucket.

Valid Values: Suspended | Enabled

Ancestor: VersioningConfiguration

VersioningConfiguration container

Container for setting the versioning state

Children: Status

Ancestor: none



The PUT Bucket Versioning operation uses only response headers that are common to all operations (refer to Common Response Headers).


The PUT Bucket Versioning operation does not return response elements.


Enabling Versioning for a Specified Bucket


PUT /?versioning HTTP/1.1
Host: bucket.s3.example.com
Date: Wed, 01 Mar  2006 12:00:00 GMT
Authorization: {{authorization string}}
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 124

<VersioningConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.example.com/doc/2006-03-01/">


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: YgIPIfBiKa2bj0KMg95r/0zo3emzU4dzsD4rcKCHQUAdQkf3ShJTOOpXUueF6QKo
x-amz-request-id: 236A8905248E5A01
Date: Wed, 01 Mar  2006 12:00:00 GMT

Suspending Versioning for a Specified Bucket


PUT /?versioning HTTP/1.1
Host: bucket.s3.example.com
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2009 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: {{authorization string}}
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 124

<VersioningConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.example.com/doc/2006-03-01/">


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: YgIPIfBiKa2bj0KMg95r/0zo3emzU4dzsD4rcKCHQUAdQkf3ShJTOOpXUueF6QKo
x-amz-request-id: 236A8905248E5A01
Date: Wed, 01 Mar  2006 12:00:00 GMT