GET Bucket Policy

This GET operation uses the policy subresource to return a specified bucket’s policy. For any identity other than the root user of the account that owns the bucket, the identity must have GetBucketPolicy permissions on the specified bucket and belong to the bucket owner’s account to use this operation.

In the absence of GetBucketPolicy permissions, Zenko returns a 403 Access Denied error. If the permissions are correct, but you are not using an identity that belongs to the bucket owner’s account, Zenko returns a 405 Method Not Allowed error.


The root user of the account that owns a bucket can always use this operation, even if the policy explicitly denies the root user the ability to perform this action.

For more information about bucket policies, see Using Bucket Policies and User Policies in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.



GET /?policy HTTP/1.1
Date: date
Authorization: authorization string (see Authenticating Requests (AWS
Signature Version 4))

Request Parameters

This operation does not use request parameters.

Request Headers

This operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations.

Request Elements

This operation does not use request elements.


Response Headers

This operation uses only response headers that are common to most responses.

Response Elements

The response contains the (JSON) policy of the specified bucket.

Special Errors

This operation does not return special errors.


Sample Request

The following request returns the policy of the specified bucket.

GET ?policy HTTP/1.1
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 20:22:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: Uuag1LuByru9pO4SAMPLEAtRPfTaOFg==
x-amz-request-id: 656c76696e67SAMPLE57374
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2019 20:22:01 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Server: S3Server

"Statement" : [
        "Principal" : {