
One of several dashboards available to Zenko users, Prometheus provides insight into Kubernetes platform (MetalK8s) and Zenko functionality.

Lifecycle Metrics

The lifecycle transition policies feature generates useful metrics, currently exposed through SoundCloud’s Prometheus toolkit. Exposure through the Backbeat API is under development.

The following Prometheus metrics are available (see the Prometheus documentation for how to access counter/gauge/histogram data and how to query the Prometheus API). Labels and their content are described below.

Available Metrics


  • type: counter
  • description: number of objects queued for replication
  • labels: origin, partition, fromLocation, fromLocationType, toLocation, toLocationType


  • type: counter
  • description: number of bytes queued for replication
  • labels: origin, partition, fromLocation, fromLocationType, toLocation, toLocationType


  • type: counter
  • description: number of bytes replicated
  • labels: origin, fromLocation, fromLocationType, toLocation, toLocationType, status


  • type: histogram
  • description: replication jobs elapsed time in seconds
  • labels: origin, fromLocation, fromLocationType, toLocation, toLocationType, status, contentLengthRange


The following labels are provided to one or more of the above metrics:

  • origin: The origin label identifies the service that triggered the replication, e.g. “lifecycle”. Currently, lifecycle is the only service to use replication as reflected in these metrics, but when other services under development use it, this label will be used to distinguish replication tasks by the services triggering them.
  • partition: The partition number in the “backbeat-data-mover” Kafka topic where the replication task has been queued
  • fromLocation: The name of the source Zenko location
  • fromLocationType: This identifies the type of location from which the fromLocation call emerged: aws_s3 for an AWS compatible location, local for a local storage location or a RING location, azure for an Azure location, gcp for a Google Cloud location.
  • toLocation: The name of the target Zenko location
  • toLocationType: This identifies the type of location to which the information in toLocation is targeted, following the convention described in fromLocation.
  • status: This reports the status of the finished task: success if the replication completed successfully or error if it did not.
  • contentLengthRange: This range separates the metric values in different content-length (object size) buckets to offer more meaningful elapsed time metrics grouped by object size ranges. The labels used are: <10KB, 10KB..30KB, 30KB..100KB, […], 300GB..1TB, >1TB.

Kafka Metrics

Kafka provides its own set of Prometheus metrics. One, kafka_consumergroup_lag, is especially useful for monitoring lifecycle transitions:


  • type: counter
  • description: Lag of consumer groups on a topic/partition, i.e. number of messages published but not consumed yet by this consumer group
  • labels: topic, partition, consumergroup


The following labels can be used to filter this metric:

  • topic: The topic name. The relevant topic names for transition policies are:

    • “backbeat-data-mover” for tracking the data mover (replication) topic
    • “backbeat-lifecycle-bucket-tasks” for tracking the bucket tasks topic (scanning buckets for lifecycle actions to execute on objects)
    • “backbeat-lifecycle-object-tasks” for tracking the object tasks topic (tasks to execute on each expiration or a transition object)
    • “backbeat-gc” for tracking the garbage collection topic (The garbage collection service removes original data after a transition. It is also used for transient source data removal after successful CRR.)
  • partition: Partition number in the Kafka topic

  • consumergroup: This label carries the consumer group name. Relevant consumer group names for transition policies are:

    • backbeat-replication-group-[location name]: Consumer group that consumes replication tasks of transition actions to a particular location (e.g. “backbeat-replication-group-aws1” tracks the consumer group for the “aws1” location). Consumer groups will also consume messages for other locations, but will not process them (hence the lag will also count replications to other locations).
    • backbeat-lifecycle-bucket-processor-group: The unique consumer group of the “backbeat-lifecycle-bucket-tasks” topic.
    • backbeat-lifecycle-object-processor-group: The unique consumer group of the “backbeat-lifecycle-object-tasks” topic.
    • backbeat-gc-consumer-group: The unique consumer group of the “backbeat-gc” topic

You can use either the Prometheus API or the Prometheus UI and the PromQL query language to access these metrics.

Below is an example. See the Prometheus documentation for a full PromQL reference.

  • Compute the total average throughput, in bytes per second, of successful replications triggered by lifecycle transitions over the last 5 minutes:


The foregoing descriptions are not encyclopedic. You may find other metrics not documented here to be suitable for your use case.