List Object Versions

Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. You can also use request parameters as selection criteria to return metadata about a subset of all the object versions.


A 200 OK response can contain valid or invalid XML. Design your application to parse the contents of the response and handle it appropriately.

Using this operation requires READ access to the bucket.

Request Syntax

GET /?versions&Delimiter=Delimiter&EncodingType=EncodingType&KeyMarker=KeyMarker&MaxKeys=MaxKeys&Prefix=Prefix&VersionIdMarker=VersionIdMarker HTTP/1.1

URI Request Parameters

The request uses the following URI parameters.


The bucket name that contains the objects.

When using this API with an access point, you must direct requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form AccessPointName-AccountId.s3-accesspoint.

Required: Yes


A delimiter is a character that you specify to group keys. All keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter are grouped under a single result element in CommonPrefixes. These groups are counted as one result against the max-keys limitation. These keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.


Requests Zenko to encode the object keys in the response, specifying the encoding method. An object key may contain any Unicode character; however, the XML 1.0 parser may not be able to parse some characters. For characters not supported in XML 1.0, add this parameter to request that Zenko encode the keys in the response.

Valid Values: url


Specifies the key to start with when listing objects in a bucket.


Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response. By default, the API returns up to 1,000 key names. If additional keys satisfy the search criteria, but were not returned because max-keys was exceeded, the response contains <isTruncated>true</isTruncated>. To return the additional keys, see key-marker and version-id-marker.


Use this parameter to select only keys beginnig with the specified prefix. You can use prefixes to separate a bucket into different groupings of keys. (You can think of using prefix to make groups in the same way you’d use a folder in a file system.) You can use prefix with delimiter to roll up numerous objects into a single result under CommonPrefixes.


Specifies the object version you want to start listing from.

Request Body

The request does not have a request body.

Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response Elements

On success, the service returns an HTTP 200 response with the following XML-formatted data:


Root-level tag for the ListObjectVersionsOutput parameters.



All of the keys under a common prefix count as a single return when calculating the number of returns.

Type: Array of CommonPrefix data types


Container for a delete marker object.

Type: Array of DeleteMarkerEntry data types


A delimiter is a character you specify to group keys. All keys containing the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter are grouped under a single result element in CommonPrefixes. These groups are counted as one result against the max-keys limitation. These keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.

Type: String


Encoding type used by Zenko to encode object key names in the XML response.

If you specify an encoding-type request parameter, Zenko includes this element in the response, and returns encoded key name values in the following response elements:

KeyMarker, NextKeyMarker, Prefix, Key, and Delimiter.

Type: String

Valid Values: url


This flag indicates whether Zenko returned all results satisfying the search. If the results were truncated, you can issue a follow-up paginated request starting with the NextKeyMarker and NextVersionIdMarker response parameters to return the rest of the results.

Type: Boolean


Indicates the last key returned in a truncated response.

Type: String


Specifies the maximum number of objects to return.

Type: Integer


Bucket name

Type: String


When the number of responses exceeds the value of MaxKeys, NextKeyMarker specifies the first key satisfying the search criteria that has not been returned. Use this value for the key-marker request parameter in a subsequent request.

Type: String


When the number of responses exceeds the value of MaxKeys, NextVersionIdMarker specifies the first object version satisfying the search criteria that has not been returned. Use this value for the version-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent request.

Type: String


Selects objects that start with the value supplied by this parameter.

Type: String


Container for version information.

Type: Array of ObjectVersion data types


Marks the last version of the key returned in a truncated response.

Type: String


Sample Request

The following request returns all of the versions of all of the objects in the specified bucket.

GET /?versions HTTP/1.1
Host: BucketName.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 +0000
Authorization: authorization string

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">

Sample Request

The following request returns objects in the order they were stored, returning the most recently stored object first, starting with the value for key-marker.

GET /?versions&key-marker=key2 HTTP/1.1
Pragma: no-cache
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:46:32 +0000
Authorization: signatureValue

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">

Sample Request Using prefix

This example returns objects whose keys begin with source.

GET /?versions&prefix=source HTTP/1.1
Host: bucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 +0000
Authorization: authorization string

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">

Sample Request Using key-marker and version-id-marker parameters

The following example returns objects starting at the specified key (key-marker) and version ID (version-id-marker).

GET /?versions&key-marker=key3&version-id-marker=t46ZenlYTZBnj HTTP/1.1
Host: bucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 +0000
Authorization: signatureValue

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">

Sample Request Using key-marker, version-id-marker, and max-keys

The following request returns up to three (the value of max-keys) objects starting with the key specified by key-marker and the version ID specified by version-id-marker.

GET /?versions&key-marker=key3&version-id-marker=t46Z0menlYTZBnj&max-keys=3
Host: bucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 22:32:00 +0000
Authorization: authorization string

Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">

Sample Request Using the delimiter and prefix parameters

Assume you have the following keys in example-bucket.






The following GET versions request specifies the delimiter parameter with value “/”.

GET /?versions&delimiter=/ HTTP/1.1
Host: example-bucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

Sample Response

The list of keys from the specified bucket is shown in the following response.

The response returns the sample.jpg key in a <Version> element. However, because all the other keys contain the specified delimiter, a distinct substring from each of these keys–from the beginning of the key to the first occurrence of the delimiter–is returned in a <CommonPrefixes> element. The Key substrings, photos/ and videos/, in the <CommonPrefixes> element indicate that there are one or more keys with these key prefixes.

This is useful if you use Key prefixes for your objects to create a logical folder-like structure. In this casee, the results indicate the folders photos/ and videos/ have one or more objects.

<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">



In addition to the delimiter parameter, you can filter results by adding a prefix parameter as shown in the following request.

GET /?versions&prefix=photos/2006/&delimiter=/ HTTP/1.1
Host: example-bucket.s3.<Region>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 19:34:02 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

In this case, the response includes only objects keys that start with the specified prefix. The value returned in the <CommonPrefixes> element is a substring from the beginning of the key to the first occurrence of the specified delimiter after the prefix.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListVersionsResult xmlns="">