Install HelmΒΆ

  1. If you are using MetalK8s, use the MetalK8s virtual shell. Change to the directory from which you will deploy Zenko:

    (metal-k8s) $ cd /path/to/installation

    If you are not installing from MetalK8s, follow the instructions in Zenko/docs/ to install Helm on your cluster.

  2. If Helm is not already installed on the machine from which you will be conducting the deployment, install it as described at:

  3. Initialize Helm:

    (metal-k8s) $ helm init
    Creating /home/centos/.helm
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/repository
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/repository/cache
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/repository/local
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/plugins
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/starters
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/cache/archive
    Creating /home/centos/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml
    Adding stable repo with URL:
    Adding local repo with URL:
    $HELM_HOME has been configured at /home/centos/.helm.
    Warning: Tiller is already installed in the cluster.
    (Use --client-only to suppress this message, or --upgrade to upgrade Tiller to the current version.)
    Happy Helming!
    (metal-k8s) $

    Helm can now install applications on the Kubernetes cluster.

  4. Go to and download the latest stable version of Zenko.

  5. Unzip or gunzip the file you just downloaded and change to the top-level (Zenko) directory.