CRR Pause and Resume

CRR Pause and Resume offers a way for users to manually pause and resume cross-region replication (CRR) operations by storage locations.

Users may also choose to resume CRR operations for a given storage location by a specified number of hours from the current time. This is particularly useful when the user knows a destination location will be down for a certain time and wants to schedule a time to resume CRR.

Backbeat’s CRR Pause and Resume feature comprises the following API calls


The RESTful API exposes methods for users to pause and resume cross-region replication operations.

Redis’s pub/sub function propagates requests to all active CRR Kafka Consumers on all nodes that have Backbeat containers set up for replication.

Backbeat’s design allows pausing and resuming the CRR service at the lowest level (pause and resume all Kafka consumers subscribed to the CRR topic) to stop processing any replication entries that might have already been populated by Kafka but have yet to be consumed and queued for replication. Any entries already consumed by the Kafka consumer and being processed for replication finish replication and are not paused.

The API has a Redis instance publishing messages to a specific channel. Queue processors subscribe to this channel, and on receiving a request to pause or resume CRR, notify all their Backbeat consumers to perform the action, if applicable. If an action occurs, the queue processor receives an update on the current status of each consumer. Based on the global status of a location, the status is updated in ZooKeeper if a change has occurred.

When a consumer pauses, the consumer process is kept alive and maintains any internal state, including offset. The consumer is no longer subscribed to the CRR topic, so it no longer tries to consume any entries. When the paused consumer is resumed, it again resumes consuming entries from its last offset.