Migrating MongoDB from KubeDB to Bitnami

Once a Zenko instance is up and running, you can migrate the MongoDB service from KubeDB to Bitnami by following these manual procedures.


In the following documentation, artesca is the name of the Zenko instance, and the migration is intended for Zenko version 2.0.1 and earlier to 2.x.x.

The commands are written with the Zenko instance running Metalk8s, and the namespace is zenko and the instance name is artesca.

Before Upgrade

  1. Make sure all the follwing resources are present, and that the Zenko instance is in a running state.

    • mongodb/artesca-data-base-db
    • secret/artesca-data-base-db-auth
    • secret/artesca-data-base-db-cert
    • secret/artesca-data-db-app-creds.v2
    • volume/data-mongodb
    • persistentvolume/data-mongodb

    Verify Zenko is running and stable:

    kubectl -n zenko describe zenko/artesca-data
    # example zenko conditions
    Last Transition Time:  2021-09-17T02:16:21Z
    Message:               All components ready to process requests
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Available
    Last Transition Time:  2021-09-19T22:29:31Z
    Message:               Deployment completed
    Status:                False
    Type:                  DeploymentInProgress
    Last Transition Time:  2021-09-19T22:22:55Z
    Status:                False
    Type:                  DeploymentFailure
    Ready Replicas:          1
  2. Download the ISOs:

    curl -u <user> -L -o /srv/scality/release/zenko-base-2.x.x.iso \
    curl -u <user> -L -o /srv/scality/release/zenko-2.x.x.iso \
  3. Import and activate zenko-base solution:

    /srv/scality/metalk8s-2.9.2/solution.sh import -a /srv/scality/release/zenko-base-2.x.x.iso
    /srv/scality/metalk8s-2.9.2/solution.sh activate -n zenko-base -V 2.x.x
  4. Import and activate zenko solution:

    /srv/scality/metalk8s-2.9.2/solution.sh import -a /srv/scality/release/zenko-2.x.x.iso
    /srv/scality/metalk8s-2.9.2/solution.sh activate -n zenko -V 2.x.x


The upgrade procedure will consist of:

  • Deleting the KubeDB MongoDB deployment and freeing the PV resources used.
  • Deploying MongoDB using the Bitnami charts.
  • Updating the existing Zenko instance to use the Bitnami MongoDB.
  • Updating the MongoDB replica set configuration.


The upgrade procedure will result in Zenko instance downtime, and the following services will not be operational:

  • Cloudserver S3 APIs
  • Backbeat APIs
  • Orbit Management APIs
  • Vault Management APIs

Update the Zenko-Operator

  1. Update the zenko-operator deployment:

    /srv/scality/metalk8s-2.9.2/solution.sh add-solution -n zenko -s zenko -V 2.x.x

    After a few seconds you should see the new operator running. From there you can update each component.

Deploy the Bitnami MongoDB

  1. Create the secret resource manifest, mongodb-creds.yaml

    MONGODB_ROOT_USERNAME=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret artesca-data-base-db-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.username}')
    MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret artesca-data-base-db-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.password}')
    MONGODB_USERNAME=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret artesca-data-db-app-creds.v2 -o jsonpath='{.data.username}')
    MONGODB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret artesca-data-db-app-creds.v2 -o jsonpath='{.data.password}')
    MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_KEY=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret artesca-data-base-db-cert -o jsonpath='{.data.key\.txt}')
    INSTANCE_ID=$(kubectl -n zenko get zenko/artesca-data -o jsonpath='{.status.instanceID}' | base64)
    cat >> mongodb-creds.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: mongodb-db-creds
      mongodb-root-username: $MONGODB_ROOT_USERNAME
      mongodb-root-password: $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
      mongodb-username: $MONGODB_USERNAME
      mongodb-password: $MONGODB_PASSWORD
      mongodb-database: $INSTANCE_ID
      mongodb-replica-set-key: $MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_KEY
    • “mongodb-root-username” is the superadmin user name, “root”.
    • “mongodb-root-password” is the superadmin user password.
    • “mongodb-username” is the zenko application user name.
    • “mongodb-password” is the zenko application user password.
    • “mongodb-database” is the database the zenko user is allowed to access; this value is the instance id of the zenko instance.
    • “mongodb-replica-set-key” are the credentials used for allowing members to be added to a replica set.
  2. Copy either the /srv/scality/zenko-base-2.x.x/mongodb-1-node.yaml or /srv/scawlity/zenko-base-2.x.x/mongodb-3-nodes.yaml into a new file, mongodb.yaml.

  3. Edit mongodb.yaml and replace the namespace placeholder, SOLUTION_ENV, with the value, “zenko”.

  4. Edit mongodb.yaml and replace the storageClass placehodler, MONGODB_STORAGE_CLASS, with with the existing PV storage class type retrieved in the following manner:

    kubectl get pv -l app.kubernetes.io/name=mongodb,app.kubernetes.io/part-of=zenko \
      -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,STORAGECLASS:.spec.storageClassName
    NAME            STORAGECLASS
    data-mongodb    ssd-ext4
  5. Apply the manifest:

    kubectl --namespace zenko apply -f mongodb.yaml

    The deployment will be in a PENDING state and will wait until the required PV resources become Available.

Update the Zenko Resource

  1. Retrieve the Zenko instance id:

    INSTANCE_ID=$(kubectl -n zenko get zenko/artesca-data -o jsonpath='{.status.instanceID}')
  2. Update the zenko’s mongodb spec:

    • For one-node, create the zenko-patch.yaml file with the following contents:

      cat >> zenko-patch.yaml <<EOF
          version: 2.x.x
              provider: External
              - mongodb-primary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017
              userSecretName: mongodb-db-creds
              usernameKey: mongodb-user
              passwordKey: mongodb-password
              replicaSetName: rs0
              databaseName: ${INSTANCE_ID}
    • For three-nodes, create the zenko-patch.yaml file with the following contents:

      cat >> zenko-patch.yaml <<EOF
          version: 2.x.x
              provider: External
              - mongodb-primary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017
              - mongodb-secondary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017
              - mongodb-secondary-1.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017
              userSecretName: mongodb-db-creds
              usernameKey: mongodb-user
              passwordKey: mongodb-password
              replicaSetName: rs0
              databaseName: ${INSTANCE_ID}
    • Apply the patch:

      kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf -n zenko patch zenko artesca-data --type merge --patch "$(cat zenko-patch.yaml)"

    This will update the Zenko instance to use the Bitnami MongoDB and put the Zenko in a DeploymentInProgress=True state until the MongoDB service becomes available. Additionally, the KubeDB MongoDB deployment will be deleted, and the DormantDatabase resources will be created.

Releasing and removing claims on the PV resources

  1. Make sure the DormantDatabase resources are in a Paused state.

  2. Once Paused, delete the DormantDatabases resources:

    kubectl delete -n zenko dormantdatabase -l kubedb.com/kind=MongoDB
  3. Delete the PVC created by KubeDB:

    kubectl delete -n zenko pvc -l kubedb.com/kind=MongoDB,kubedb.com/name=artesca-data-base-db
  4. Remove the claimRef from each PV to make them Available:

    • Retrieve the list of PVs:

      kubectl get pv -l app.kubernetes.io/name=mongodb,app.kubernetes.io/part-of=zenko
    • Remove claimRef from each PV in the list:

      kubectl patch pv <pv name> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null}}'

    The Pending Bitnami MongoDB deployment should now be able to claim the existing PVs and start the creation of the MongoDB resources.

Configuring the MongoDB Replica Set

  1. Wait for the mongodb-primary and mongodb-secondary statefulsets to be successfully deployed.

    kubectl rollout status statefulset mongodb-primary
    # if deploying a multi-node configuration, run:
    kubectl rollout status statefulset mongodb-secondary
  2. Access the mongo shell to start configuration procedure:

    MONGODB_ROOT_USERNAME=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret mongodb-db-creds -o jsonpath='{.data.mongodb-root-username}' | base64 -d)
    MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n zenko get secret mongodb-db-creds -o jsonpath='{.data.mongodb-root-password}' | base64 -d)
    kubectl -n zenko exec -ti mongodb-primary-0 -c mongodb-primary -- mongo -u $MONGODB_ROOT_USERNAME -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
  3. In mongo shell, run the following commands:

    • Create rsconf variable in:

      rs0:OTHER> rsconf = rs.conf()
    • Add replica set members:

      rs0:OTHER> rsconf.members = [
      ... {_id: 0, host: "mongodb-primary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017"}
      ... ]

      If running 3-nodes, the following should be added:

      rs0:OTHER> rsconf.members = [
      ... {_id: 0, host: "mongodb-primary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017"},
      ... {_id: 1, host: "mongodb-secondary-0.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017"},
      ... {_id: 2, host: "mongodb-secondary-1.mongodb-headless.zenko.svc.cluster.local:27017"}
      ... ]
    • Run rs.reconfig to elect new PRIMARY:

      rs0:OTHER> rs.reconfig(rsconf, { force: true})
    • Verify the replica set is configured correctly:

      rs0:PRIMARY> rs.status()["members"]

Verifying Zenko Deployment Status

  1. Wait for the Zenko instance to be upgraded:

    # wait for any existing errors from the upgrade to be resolved
    kubectl -n zenko wait --for condition=DeploymentFailure=false --timeout 10m zenko/artesca-data
    # wait for any for upgrade completion
    kubectl -n zenko wait --for condition=DeploymentInProgress=false --timeout 10m zenko/artesca-data

    If an error occurs during the upgrade process or a upgrade times out, the following can be run to debug the issue:

    kubectl -n zenko describe zenko/artesca-data

    The DeploymentFailure condition will contain details about the error preventing the upgrade from completing.