HTTP Protocols

Zenko uses HTTP protocols as defined by RFC 2616. REST operations consist of sending HTTP requests to Zenko, which returns HTTP responses. These HTTP requests contain a request method, a URI with an optional query string, headers, and a body. The responses contain status codes, headers, and may contain a response body.

S3 supports the REST API, accessed via requests that employ an XML-based protocol. Input parameters are provided as an XML body (at the Service level) or as an XML array of entities (such as Buckets, Accounts or Users), plus a time range (start and end times expressed as UTC epoch timestamps). Output is delivered as an XML array, one element per entity. Bytes transferred and number of operations metrics are accumulated between the provided start and end times. For storage capacity, discrete values are returned in bytes for the start and the end times (not as an average between start and end).

Because request headers and response headers can be specific to a particular Zenko API operation or set of operations, many such elements are common to all operations.

Request headers that are typically found in Zenko requests include Authorization, Content-Length, Content-Type, Date, and Host.

Header Description
Authorization Contains the information required for authentication.
Content-Length Message Length (without headers), as specified by RFC 2616; required for PUT and operations that load XML, such as logging and ACLs.
Content-Type Resource content type (e.g., text/plain) (For PUT operations, default is binary/octet-stream, and valid values are MIME types.)
Date Date and time of the request (default format is Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:00:00 GMT, which conforms to RFC 2616 Section 3.3.1).

Required for HTTP 1.1, the Host header points to the standard storage service. If the host contains anything other than the standard Zenko storage server, this information is interpreted as the bucket for the request.

The Host header contains either the service host name or the virtual host (, in addition to the bucket.

Important response headers that customarily comprise API operation responses with include HTTP/1.1, x-amzn-request-id, Content-Length, Content-Type, and Date.

Header Type Description
HTTP/1.1 string Header followed by a status code, with status code 200 indicating a successful operation.
x-amzn-request-id string A value created by Zenko that uniquely identifies a request. Values can be used to troubleshoot problems.
Content-Length string Length of response body in bytes.
Content-Type string Message’s content type (typically application/hal+json)
Date string Date and time of the Zenko response.


For detail on common request headers refer to Common Request Headers, and for detail on common response headers refer to Common Response Headers.