List Multipart Uploads

The List Multipart Uploads operation catalogs in-progress multipart uploads (multipart uploads that have been initiated via the Initiate Multipart Upload request, but that have not yet been completed or aborted).

List Multipart Uploads returns at most 1,000 multipart uploads in the response (which is also the default setting for uploads a response can include, adjustable via the max-uploads request parameter in the response). If additional multipart uploads satisfy the list criteria, the response returns an IsTruncated element with the value of true. To list the additional multipart uploads, use the key-marker and upload-id-marker Request Parameters.

In the response, the uploads are sorted by key. If the application has initiated more than one multipart upload using the same object key, then uploads in the response are first sorted by key. Additionally, uploads are sorted in ascending order within each key by the upload initiation time.


Request Syntax

GET /?uploads HTTP/1.1
Host: {{BucketName}}.{{StorageService}}.com
Date: {{date}}
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}

Request Parameters

The List Multipart Uploads operation’s implementation of GET uses certain parameters to return a subset of the ongoing multipart uploads in a bucket.

Parameter Type Description
delimiter string

Character used to group keys.

All keys that contain the same string between the prefix, if specified, and the first occurrence of the delimiter after the prefix are grouped under a single result element, CommonPrefixes. If prefix is not specified, then the substring starts at the beginning of the key. The keys that are grouped under CommonPrefixes result element are not returned elsewhere in the response.

encoding-type string

Requests that S3 Connector encode the response and specifies the encoding method to use.

An object key can contain any Unicode character; however, XML 1.0 parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters with an ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in XML 1.0, add this parameter to request that S3 Connector encode the keys in the response.

Note: The only valid value for the encoding-type parameter is url.

Default: None

max-uploads integer

Sets the maximum number of multipart uploads, from 1 to 1,000, to return in the response body. 1,000 is the maximum number of uploads that can be returned in a response.

Default: 1,000

key-marker string

Together with upload-id-marker, the key-marker parameter specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin.

If upload-id-marker is not specified, only the keys lexicographically greater than the specified key-marker will be included in the list. If upload-id-marker is specified, any multipart uploads for a key equal to the key-marker might also be included, provided those multipart uploads have upload IDs lexicographically greater than the specified upload-id-marker.

prefix string Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. This parameter can be used to separate a bucket into different grouping of keys. To illustrate, prefixes can be used to make groups, similar to the manner in which a folder is used in a file system.
upload-id-marker string Together with key-marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin. If key-marker is not specified, the parameter is ignored. Otherwise, any multipart uploads for a key equal to the key-marker might be included in the list only if they have an upload ID lexicographically greater than the specified upload-id-marker.

Request Headers

Implementation of the List Multipart Uploads operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations (refer to Common Request Headers).

Request Elements

The List Multipart Uploads operation does not use request elements.


Response Headers

The List Multipart Uploads uses only the common response headers supported by Zenko (refer to Common Response Headers).

Response Elements

The List Multipart Uploads operation can return the following XML elements of the response (includes XML containers):

Element Type Description
ListMultipartUploadsResult container Container for the response
Bucket string Name of the bucket to which the multipart upload was initiated
KeyMarker string The key at or after which the listing began
UploadIdMarker string Upload ID after which listing began
NextKeyMarker string When a list is truncated, NextKeyMarker specifies the value that should be used for the key-marker request parameter in a subsequent request.
NextUploadIDMarker string When a list is truncated, NextUploadIDMarker specifies the value that should be used for the upload-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent request.
Encoding-Type string

Encoding type used by Zenko to encode object key names in the XML response.

If the encoding-type request parameter is specified, S3 Connector includes this element in the response, and returns encoded key name values in the following elements: Delimiter, KeyMarker, Prefix, NextKeyMarker, and Key.

MaxUploads integer Maximum number of multipart uploads that that could have been included in the response
IsTruncated Boolean

Indicates whether the returned list of multipart uploads is truncated.

A true value indicates that the list was truncated. A list can be truncated if the number of multipart uploads exceeds the limit returned in the MaxUploads element.

Upload container Container for elements related to a particular multipart upload. A response can contain zero or more Upload elements.
Key integer Key of the object for which the multipart upload was initiated
UploadID integer Upload ID that identifies the multipart upload
Initiator container

Identifies the party that initiated the multipart upload

ID: Initiation User ID

DisplayName: Name of party initiating request

Owner container

Container element that identifies the object owner, after the object is created

ID: Object owner User ID

DisplayName: Name of object owner

Initiated date Date and time the multipart upload was initiated
ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix string When a prefix is provided in the request, this field contains the specified prefix. The result contains only keys starting with the specified prefix.
Delimiter string

Contains the delimiter specified in the request

If a delimiter is not specified in the request, this element is absent from the response.

CommonPrefixes container If a delimiter is specified in the request, then the result returns each distinct key prefix containing the delimiter in a CommonPrefixes element. The distinct key prefixes are returned in the Prefix child element.
CommonPrefixes.Prefix string

If the request does not include the Prefix parameter, then CommonPrefixes.Prefix shows only the substring of the key that precedes the first occurrence of the delimiter character. These keys are not returned anywhere else in the response.

If the request includes the Prefix parameter, CommonPrefixes.Prefix shows the substring of the key from the beginning to the first occurrence of the the delimiter after the prefix.


List Multipart Uploads

Request Sample

The request sample lists three multipart uploads, specifying the max-uploads request parameter to set the maximum number of multipart uploads to return in the response body.

GET /?uploads&max-uploads=3 HTTP/1.1
Host:  example-bucket.{{StorageService}}.com
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}

Response Sample

The request sample indicates that the multipart upload list was truncated and provides the NextKeyMarker and the NextUploadIdMarker elements. These values are specified in subsequent requests to read the next set of multipart uploads. That is, send a subsequent request specifying key-marker=my-movie2.m2ts (value of the NextKeyMarker element) and upload-id-marker=YW55IGlkZWEgd2h5IGVsdmluZydzIHVwbG9hZCBmYWlsZWQ (value of the NextUploadIdMarker).

The sample response also shows a case of two multipart uploads in progress with the same key (my-movie.m2ts). That is, the response shows two uploads with the same key. This response shows the uploads sorted by key, and within each key the uploads are sorted in ascending order by the time the multipart upload was initiated.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: Uuag1LuByRx9e6j5Onimru9pO4ZVKnJ2Qz7/C1NPcfTWAtRPfTaOFg==
x-amz-request-id: 656c76696e6727732072657175657374
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Content-Length: 1330
Connection: keep-alive
Server: AmazonS3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">

Using the Delimiter and the Prefix Parameters

Assume a multipart upload is in progress for the following keys in a example-bucket.

  • greatshot.raw
  • photographs/2006/January/greatshot.raw
  • photographs/2006/February/greatshot.raw
  • photographs/2006/March/greatshot.raw
  • video_content/2006/March/greatvideo.raw

Request Sample: Request Specifies delimiter Parameter

The sample list multipart upload request specifies the delimiter parameter with value “/”.

GET /?uploads&amp;delimiter=/ HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: {{authorizationString}}

Response Sample

The response sample lists multipart uploads on the specified bucket, example-bucket.

The response returns multipart upload for the greatshot.raw key in an Upload element. As all the other keys contain the specified delimiter, however, a distinct substring—from the beginning of the key to the first occurence of the delimiter, from each of the keys—is returned in a CommonPrefixes element. The key substrings, photographs/ and video_content/, in the CommonPrefixes element indicate that there are one or more in-progress multipart uploads with these key prefixes.

This is a useful scenario if key prefixes are used for objects for the purpose of creating a logical folder like structure. In this case you can interpret the result as the folders photographs/ and video_content/ have one or more multipart uploads in progress. In such a case the results can be interpreted, as the folders photographs/ and video_content/ have one or more multipart uploads in progress.

<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">

Request Sample: Specified delimiter Parameter and Added prefix Parameter

In addition to the delimiterparameter, results can be filtered by adding a prefix parameter.

GET /?uploads&amp;delimiter=/&amp;prefix=photographs/2006/ HTTP/1.1
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: authorization string

Response Sample

In this case the response will include only multipart uploads for keys that start with the specified prefix. The value returned in the CommonPrefixes element is a substring from the beginning of the key to the first occurrence of the specified delimiter after the prefix.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">