GET Bucket Versioning

The GET Bucket Versioning operation uses the versioningsubresource to return the versioning state of a bucket.


Only the bucket owner can retrieve the versioning state of a bucket.

Versioning State Response
Versioning is enabled on a bucket <VersioningConfiguration xmlns=""> <Status>Enabled</Status> </VersioningConfiguration>
Versioning is suspended on a bucket <VersioningConfiguration xmlns=""> <Status>Suspended</Status> </VersioningConfiguration>
Versioning has not been enabled (or suspended) on a bucket <VersioningConfiguration xmlns=""/>


Request Syntax

GET /?versioning HTTP/1.1
Host: {{BucketName}}.{{StorageService}}.com
Date: {{date}}
Current-Length: {{length}}
Authorization: {{authenticationInformation}}

Request Parameters

The GET Bucket Versioning operation does not use Request Parameters.

Request Headers

The GET Bucket Versioning operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations (refer to Common Request Headers).

Request Elements

Implementation of the GET Bucket Versioning operation does not use request elements.


Response Headers

Implementation of the GET Bucket Versioning operation returns the following response elements.

Response Elements

Element Type Description
Status enum

The versioning state of the bucket.

Valid Values: Disabled | Enabled

Ancestors: VersioningConfiguration

VersioningConfiguration Container Container for the status response element.


The example offered returns the versioning state of myBucket.

Request Sample

GET /?versioning HTTP/1.1
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 19:14:42 GMT
Authorization: {{authenticationInformation}}
Content-Type: text/plain

Request Sample

<VersioningConfiguration xmlns="">