The PUT Bucket CORS operation configures a bucket to accept cross-origin requests.


Request Syntax

PUT /?cors HTTP/1.1
Host: {{BucketName}}.{{StorageService}}.com
Content-Length: {{length}}
Date: {{date}}
Authorization: {{authenticationInformation}}
    <AllowedOrigin>Origin you want to allow cross-domain requests from</AllowedOrigin>
    <AllowedMethod>HTTP method</AllowedMethod>
    <MaxAgeSeconds>Time in seconds your browser to cache the pre-flight OPTIONS response for a resource</MaxAgeSeconds>
    <AllowedHeader>Headers that you want the browser to be allowed to send</AllowedHeader>
    <ExposeHeader>Headers in the response that you want accessible from client application</ExposeHeader>


The Request Syntax illustrates only a portion of the request headers.

Request Parameters

The PUT Bucket CORS operation does not use Request Parameters.

Request Elements

Element Type Description
CORSConfiguration Container

Container for up to 100 CORSRules elements.

Ancestors: None

CORSRule Container

A set of origins and methods (cross-origin access that you want to allow). You can add up to 100 rules to the configuration.

Ancestors: CORSConfiguration

ID String

A unique identifier for the rule. The ID value can be up to 255 characters long. The IDs help you find a rule in the configuration.

Ancestors: CORSRule

AllowedMethod Enum

An HTTP method that you want to allow the origin to execute. Each CORSRule must identify at least one origin and one method.

Ancestors: CORSRule

AllowedOrigin String

An origin that you want to allow cross-domain requests from. This can contain at most one * wild character. Each CORSRule must identify at least one origin and one method.

Ancestors: CORSRule

AllowedHeader String

Specifies which headers are allowed in a pre-flight OPTIONS request via the Access-Control-Reques t-Headersheader. Each header name specified in the Access-Control-Reques t-Headers header must have a corresponding entry in the ruleto get a 200 OK response from the preflight request. Amazon S3 Server will send only the allowed headers in a response that were requested. This can contain at most one * wild character.

Ancestors: CORSRule

MaxAgeSeconds Integer

The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource. A CORSRule can have at most one MaxAgeSeconds element.

Ancestors: CORSRule

ExposeHeader String

One or more headers in the response that you want customers to be able to access from their applications (for example, from a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object). You add oneExposeHeader element in the rule for each header.

Ancestors: CORSRule


Response Headers

Implementation of the PUT Bucket CORS operation uses only response headers that are common to all operations (refer to Common Response Headers).

Response Elements

The PUT Bucket CORS operation does not return response elements.


Configure CORS

The following PUT request adds the cors subresource to a bucket.

Request Sample

PUT /?cors HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
x-amz-date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:54:50 GMT
Content-MD5: 8dYiLewFWZyGgV2Q5FNI4W==
Authorization: {{authenticationInformation}}
Content-Length: 216

Response Sample

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-amz-id-2: CCshOvbOPfxzhwOADyC4qHj/Ck3F9Q0viXKw3rivZ+GcBoZSOOahvEJfPisZB7B
x-amz-request-id: BDC4B83DF5096BBE
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:54:50 GMT
Server: ScalityS3