System Architecture


Zenko provides a layer that mediates between a user or configured storage frontend and one or several storage backends.


Zenko may use a transient source, which enables it to write once to a master (local) storage cloud, then replicate the stored data to other clouds without incurring egress fees from the primary storage cloud.

Zenko uses agile application frameworks such as Kubernetes for orchestration and Prometheus for monitoring. Zenko is deployed using Kubernetes either on-premises or remotely, or using a cloud Kubernetes framework (such as GKE, AKS, EKS, or Kops). Scality supports MetalK8s as the reference Kubernetes implementation for Zenko installations.

Zenko Services Stack

The following diagram summarizes the Zenko cloud architecture:


The Zenko instance depicted above presents an idealized representation of Zenko’s structure. Several complexities are elided for clarity.

Transient source replication is optional and configurable. Transient source storage requires an on-premises RING deployment (with sproxyd).

The central square in this diagram represents the suite of interdependent services required to implement a working Zenko instance. Deployed, this suite of services is highly available, containerized, and under the control of Kubernetes. Kubernetes dynamically creates and destroys services in response to demand.

The following table offers brief descriptions of the Zenko components in this architecture:

Component Description
CloudServer CloudServer is an open-source Node.js implementation of a server handling the Amazon S3 protocol. It presents the core logic for translating user inputs and data into stored objects on several cloud storage systems. With this component, users can create locations corresponding to different clouds.
Backbeat Backbeat manages the queues involved in Zenko cloud event tracing (such as admin_API, etc.) and job queuing for current actions (such as CRR, lifecycle management, synchronous encryption, etc).

The Orbit UI offers users controls for CloudServer, workflow management, user management, and Metadata (MD) instance configuration using such parameters as location, access key, workflow configuration (CRR, for example), basic search, etc.

The UI runs in the cloud and is hosted by Scality.

CLI CloudServer accepts commands from command-line interfaces.
MongoDB An open-source metadata database, MongoDB works with one or multiple instances in scale-out mode. It also explodes JSON values, allowing powerful searches and potentially indexing to speed up searches.
Local RING/sproxyd For local cloud storage (including transient source), S3 data can be put to an sproxyd RING.

These services and their likely use cases are described in the sections that follow.

Zenko Cluster Topology

To operate with high availability, Zenko must operate on a cluster of at least three physical or virtual servers running CentOS 7.4 and either have access to a virtual Kubernetes instance (EKM, GKM, or AKM) or to an instance of MetalK8s installed and running on each server.

When run in a cluster configuration, Zenko is highly available. Load balancing, failover, and service management are handled dynamically in real time by Kubernetes. This dramatically improves several aspects of service management, creating a fast, robust, self-healing, flexible, scalable system. From the user’s perspective, Zenko is functionally a single instance that obscures the services and servers behind it.


A basic test configuration—a cluster of three servers—is depicted above. Five servers is the recommended minimum service deployment for high availability. In actual practice, each server can dynamically deploy up to ten CloudServer instances, making for a default maximum of 50 CloudServer instances, plus one master. Kubernetes sets the current upper boundary, defined by the number of pods (including service pods) that can be run, at 100 pods. The Zenko instance that manages all these CloudServers spans all deployed and functioning servers, managing a common namespace of data and associated metadata, with Kubernetes managing individual servers, spinning services up and down in response to emergent conditions.